
Worship planning suggestion, a propos of nothing

You know what would make a perfect sequence hymn (or gradual hymn, for those that like to call it that) on Palm Sunday in any church that uses the lectionary? "Falling at Your Feet." Most of the lyrics are an imaginative fleshing-out of Philippians 2, which people would have just heard as the Epistle, and it ends with "not my will, thy will," which people would be just about to hear quoted at the very beginning of the Passion Gospel.

Preaching on this song would be hard, I think, but as essentially a prayer, it's perfect for liturgical use. And how often do you get a piece of music that transitions so obviously and directly from one reading to another?

Nice review of the Shine album with "Falling At Your Feet" comments by Jeffrey Overstreet at Looking Closer, by the way.

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