
Next-Wave articles

The March issue of Next-Wave has a couple features on Get Up Off Your Knees: an interview with me by Rudy Carrasco, and a commentary by Chris Marshall on both reading the book and using the Bible studies in a house church. Next-Wave team member Bill Bean's beanbooks.com is also running a special on Get Up Off Your Knees for Next-Wave readers.

Marshall excerpt: It seems a dangerous place, to have belief and longing in the same heart. It can only be at the point of desperation that mystery can have a seat at the table. This is the space where U2 has lingered in for years, drawing people to their passionate story and a longing for a different Kingdom here on earth. It is only natural that many would resource this voice to find a prophetic word for the world we live in now.

Rock on. Thank you to Rudy and Chris for two good pieces. {Update: and thanks to Thunderstruck for picking this up so quickly!}

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