
U2 may not be coming to Australia any time soon, but Raewynne is.

My co-editor, Raewynne J. Whiteley, is doing several events in Australia beginning next week.

First, there's Sydney. The Uniting Church in Australia's Insights Magazine News reports on events planned for Raewynne's visit: a May 5 "coffee space styled" worship service with U2 music by A Thousand Lights, and then a May 6 workshop on "The Gospel and Popular Culture": An exploration of scripture, culture and context as they impact our lives and faith. Both culture and religion tap into the very essence of who we are; they are the building blocks of our identity � Jesus, as God incarnate, lived and demonstrated our essential need to engage with a world in which God lives and speaks! What shapes your reading and living out of the gospel in all its subtle and obvious connections? PDF flyers for both events are here.

Then, in Melbourne, May 10, Raewynne will be the preacher at Trinity College Parkville. On May 12 she will give the Barry Marshall Memorial Lecture: "Woo Me, Sister; Move Me, Brother! What Does Pop Culture Have To Do With Preaching?" The announcement from Trinity is here. Email contact at Trinity: theology -at- trinity.unimelb.edu.au