
May your dreams be realized

Along with people everywhere, this blog is in shock and mourning at the news of the murder of Brother Roger of Taize in the middle of Compline last night, in front of 2500 young adult retreatants from all over the world. While it's not yet clear what the motivations of his murderer (a woman from Romania) were, one instinctively lines the situation up with the deaths of those other great peacemakers Martin Luther King and Gandhi. The community -- from 23 nations, Protestant, Anglican, and Catholic, living in a tiny village since the 1940s as a witness for reconciliation -- is perhaps rereading with new eyes the prayers of Brother Roger, one of which I have on my refrigerator and will excerpt here:
You, O Christ, open to me the way of risk. You walk ahead of me on the road to holiness, where happy is the one who dies of love, where martyrdom is the ultimate response. The No that is in me, you transfigure it day after day into a Yes. What you want from me is not a few bribes, but my whole existence.

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