
catapult magazine: Brian Walsh

I missed this at the time but: Our contributor Brian Walsh wrote the foreword to Rob Vagacs' Religious Nuts Political Fanatics. A few months ago Catapult printed it as "A light shines." It does a great job of narrating the liturgical process of a U2 show and its effects from the inside, and anyone who has seen U2 with their heart open to the Spirit will recognize the experience. Excerpt:

"Can you go to a U2 concert while [baby] Hannah is just blocks away in the critical care unit? Does that make any sense at all? The initial answer was, no. No, it didn’t make sense to go to a concert this week. So we all started to make arrangements to sell our tickets. ...One of my students took me aside after class and encouraged me to go to the concert. 'This could be the most healing thing you can do all week,' he suggested. And then another friend said, 'Good liturgy doesn’t come to town very often. The least you can do is be there.' And so Sylvia and I went to hear U2 while our beloved Hannah was on life support just up the road. Could this rock band minister to us while we were accompanying Henry and Sarah in the shadow of the valley of death? Dare we even hope for such a thing from a rock concert? From the first song to the last, the answer was clearly, yes."

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