
Faith, Hope, Love and The Beach Boys

Faith and culture folks out there who are academics or academically inclined, here's an invitation for you: 

Dr. Jeff Sellars of Southwestern Oregon Community College writes to say that he is currently in the process of gathering contributors for a collection on The Beach Boys and theology (tentatively titled God Only Knows: Faith, Hope, Love and The Beach Boys). The collection, targeting both scholars and the general public, will focus on the three theological virtues as topics to be explored through The Beach Boys' music. They are looking for approximately 3-5 essays per topic (approximately 3000-5000 words), and all topics are currently open for submissions.

Submissions should include an abstract of approximately 250-500 words that gives the essay outline and title. A short author biography should be included as well. You can send proposals as e-mail attachments to jsellars @ socc (dot) edu by January.

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