
10th anniversary

To my astonishment, this blog is about to celebrate its 10th anniversary. U2 Sermons began on May 9, 2003, as we were in initial stages of completing the manuscript for Get Up Off Your Knees: Preaching the U2 Catalog, only the second book ever to explore the spirituality of the Irish band U2. It's hard to remember this now: the fact of U2's Christian fluency and commitment was rather uncommon to voice explicitly at the time, but soon afterwards books and articles about it became a cottage industry.

I started writing merely as a way to, I hoped, generate some buzz for the book, but the blog turned into a labor of love and a place to track the ongoing dialogue between U2 and theology. Sadly, we lost all our comments in a transition a few years back, but the 10 years of entries themselves are all still available. In honor of the past 10 years, I'll be republishing some older posts over the next several days.


Camassia said...

Congratulations, Beth. It's been a fun 10 years.

Tim said...

It was March 16, 2006, that you picked up and linked the first blog post I ever wrote on U2. That was a huge moment for me. Why? Because you introduced me to a world of people who felt the same way I did about this band. As a result, I felt less crazy and less alone. And it was you and your blog that helped me develop my Theology, Culture and U2 class. I can't thank you enough for all the times that I've cruised over here and found what I was looking for. :-)
I can't believe you've been going at this for ten years. Here's to ten more. Bang on!