
Eros, agape, Assayas, and the theology of the body

Hat tip to Angela for this article by Roman Catholic speaker and writer Christopher West from his regular column called Body Language: Commentary on the Intersection of Faith, Sex, & Culture. The title of this one (PDF) is "God, Sex, & Bono." I must confess to a tinge of annoyance that the writer edits the final story from Assayas' book in such a way that readers are led to take the precipitating event as attending a church (which I think he also kinda sorta hopes we'll assume is part of his own denomination) when the actual topic is the Bible. But you know, he's probably got a really tight word limit. Anyway, here's how the article starts: "Pope Benedict, like John Paul II before him, is intent on helping the world see the connection between divine love (agape) and sexual love (eros). To help us reflect on these themes, I’d like to turn to what may seem an unlikely source...."

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