
10th Anniversary repost: From August 2006

Ah, the media, part 2

Observation of the day: most Christian news sources (not individual bloggers) I have seen are truncating this quote from Bono's speech / interview with Bill Hybels at Willow Creek Leadership Summit: "Second only to personal redemption and salvation the main thrust of the Scriptures is to meet Christ in working with the poor" to make it appear that Bono said only "The main thrust of the Scriptures is to meet Christ in working with the poor."

I don't fault secular media for not grasping the theology and cutting the "boring salvation part," but I would expect Christian media to be fair and take note of what's obviously a careful theological distinction being made. And of all people I would expect evangelicals who chose to report on that moment in the talk to announce with enthusiasm that Bono told an audience of 70,000 pastors and leaders salvation was more important than social justice. Yet no one seems to be reporting the full quote. What's with that?

Read more: http://u2sermons.blogspot.com/2006_08_01_archive.html#ixzz2QeDGkMlX

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