
Grab bag of articles

Jim Wallis of Sojourners and Richard E. Stearns of World Vision piggyback on U2's Seattle dates to publish an editorial on the goals of the ONE Campaign such as debt relief, fair trade, and extending medical and information technology to Africa. Nice article; pity the Seattle editors can't spell "U2." Incidentally, if you are in the USA and support Make Poverty History, but weren't following what happened at the G-7 last weekend on debt cancellation, some people are emailing Treasury Secretary Snow about it this week. A longer article, US, Europe Spar on African Aid, gives more background. [Edit: and if you are Canadian (while I know you guys have other political issues to think about at the moment too), some people are calling Paul Martin's office about his reneging on the promise to get to 0.7% ODA, as well.)]

On a less serious note, hat tip to Bob for sending along this article: Pope Requests Audience with Bono.

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